Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, hosted its 3rd Annual Inter-School Art Jamboree ‘POTPOURRI’ for classes Nursery to V on Thursday, 5th December 2019. The theme was ‘Paryavaran Mitravat’ with focus on recrafting. A total of 10 schools represented by around 80 students, took part in nine events, ‘Papyrus Platter’,‘Aviary Flutter’,‘Parasol Festoon’,‘Odds and Ends’,‘Bambi Builder’, ‘Furoshiki’, ;Nadyog’,’ Mithila Kibani’ and‘Fleur De Lis’.The Valedictory function commenced with the lighting of the lamp followed by cultural programme and prize distribution. The chief guest for the occasion, Mr Arya Praharaj, chief illustrator with the Times of India, was highly impressed by the students’ art and craft presentations.He accompanied by Pro- Vice Chairperson, Ms Meenakshi Pathania and Principal, Ms Amita Saxena gave away the trophies to the winners. The Overall Trophy was bagged by the host school, DPS Sushant Lok. The Principal, Ms Amita Saxena , also lauded the creativity of the participants who had expressed themselves through their visual art forms.
The event was a wonderful opportunity for the students to hone their creative skills.