"A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way." - John C. Maxwell

Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, held the virtual Investiture Ceremony for the newly appointed Student Council members of Junior School on 21st May 2022. It is the most awaited ceremony of the year as it signifies the confidence that the school reposes in the newly invested appointees. The event commenced with the welcome address by the Pro Vice Chairperson, Ms Meenakshi Singh Pathania ma’am, who appreciated and congratulated the members of the Student Council and motivated them to embrace their responsibilities with utmost compassion and empathy towards everyone. She guided the young leaders to instill the spirit of ‘Service Before Self’. The Headmistress, Ms. Leena Singhal congratulated the students’ council and urged them to dispense their duties with sincerity and to bring pride to everyone by upholding the value that our school stands for. This was followed by a melodious rendition presented by the school choir, ‘Shine Like a Star’. Then ensued the oath-taking ceremony wherein the Head Girl, Navya Grover, administered the oath to the 54 newly appointed Student Council members. The Head Boy and Head Girl, in their speech, thanked all their teachers for entrusting them with this opportunity and promised to fulfill their duties with due diligence to the best of their abilities.

The ceremony culminated with the National Anthem.