With the on-going festival of Navratri, DPS Sushant Lok, forgot the mundane and submerged themselves in Dandiya Raas on 9th October 2021. The children from class Pre nursery, Nursery and Prep gathered in the school with their parents in colourful traditional attires. The children and parents along with teachers, danced on the beats and tune of ‘Dandiya’ with fervor and tapped gracefully till the very last beat.
‘Book Exhibition’, ‘Bingo game in Gujarati’, ‘Trampoline jumps’ and ‘Pottery making’ for the tiny tots proved to be the main attraction of the event. The program was a monumental success under the guidance of Principal Mr. Surendra Sachdeva, Headmistress Ms. Aparna Chandra, staff members and enthusiastic participation of students and their parents.
There were prizes distributed for dance and best costume in family, adult and children’s categories. Joint efforts of everyone were involved for smooth coordination of activities and made the event an enjoyable day celebrated in school for everyone.