Delhi Public Sushant Lok commemorated India’s 74th Independence Day virtually this year. The event which was cast via Facebook, commenced with the inspiring message of Chairman, DPS Society Shri V. K. Shunglu who congratulated the school for exemplifying ‘Excellence in Education’. Sh. N.K Singh, School Patron and Member, 15th Finance Commission, in his address, congratulated the school for living up to the ideals of innovation and adaptation in the times of the pandemic. This was followed by the flag hoisting ceremony at the school grounds, which saw the flag unfurl to a beautiful instrumental rendition of the National Anthem by students of both DPS Sushant Lok and its affiliate DPS Kota.
Ms. Veena Sangar, officiating Principal, read out the message of the Pro Vice Chairperson Ms. Meenakshi Singh Pathania in which she emphasized the real value of freedom and paid gratitude to the frontline Corona warriors. Speaking about the significance of the historic day, Ms Sangar exhorted the students to follow the ideals of our great freedom fighters. She further urged them to exercise their freedom with responsibility and said that it is every student’s duty to be the best they can be, as the nation is the sum total of all our individual lives.
The special assembly culminated with a look back at the many Independence Day celebrations at school and a special dance rendition of Sh. Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’ wherein he envisions India, free in every sense of the word.