3 Things Adults Must Learn from Children

“Anyone who stops learning is old, at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” –  Henry Ford

As rightly projected by Sir Henry Ford in the quote above, there cannot be a certain age where you need to stop learning. In fact, learning has to be an ongoing process. That’s because when we stay engaged in learning new things, it lifts our motivation and knowledge, making us more alive and active.

Having said that, have you ever wondered how this constant learning happen? After all, you don’t always have to sit with a book in your hand to ensure constant learning. A lot of learning happens naturally. But where do we learn from? We learn from observing people around us. No matter whether adults or children, there’s a lot to learn from each and every person we come across.

So today, in this article below, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the top schools in Gurgaon, will shed light on the three most important things that we adults should learn from children. Let’s have a look.

  • Being yourself

Children are always a bundle of excitement and surprises. They live life fully and live in the present without worrying about the past or the future. This is something very important that we, adults, must learn from children.

So, what if you are a grown-up and are carrying a bundle of responsibilities? Remember that you still have a right to explore and express life with moments of being with yourself and just being yourself. Rather than always living thinking about what the world expects of you, let life float freely around you. Imagine what fun it would be to, once in a while, live just for yourself, be yourself, without carrying the baggage of unwanted stress of what didn’t go as per your expectations!

  • Remaining optimistic

Enthusiasm sparks and flows through the eyes of children. It doesn’t have to be a big thing to excite children. A small sharing can pump excitement into them. Observe them while playing, and you’ll notice how their entire focus remains only on enjoying the game without worrying about losing or winning. As adults, if you light up your life with child-like joy and enthusiasm, not only your approach towards life will be more energetic and optimistic, but it will also be stress-free and much more productive.

Another facet of being enthusiastic lies in forgiveness. No matter how children retaliate to their friends while fighting in a game, they are back as one in no time. Letting go of grudges will allow you to pump more and more joy, enthusiasm, and positivity into your daily routine.

  • Keeping stress at bay

The best thing about children is that they don’t let stress overpower their happiness. Even if there is something that they are not happy about, you’ll find them sad momentarily, and after that, they turn just as cheerful as ever, as if nothing had happened at all! Be it a fight with their best friend, a broken toy, or less scores in exams, they have this natural instinct that tells them that no problem is too big that it can’t be fixed. This attitude somehow gets lost in the process of growing up. However, if we, adults, can somehow try and absorb this quality of children, life would be just so very beautiful.


In a nutshell…

We at Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, ranked among the top schools in Gurgaon, firmly believe that children can be great teachers when it comes to learning from them the way to lead a happy life. By looking at children with the aim of learning and improving in life, not only will you be able to connect with your children better but also explore the beauty of life with much more depth and joy.

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