Classroom: Where We Build Dreams

Classroom: Where We Build Dreams

-Shaurya Malik, VIII E


Fueling our dreams and aspiration,

Giving us wings to reach new destinations.

This place embraces us with knowledge and skill,

Giving strength to achieve dreams with thrill.


A classroom is an unparalleled place across the world where children spend years of their lives learning, evolving and fostering their aspirations. This place plays an indispensable role in educating us about crucial life lessons which leads to a generous society. It helps us in the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a positive environment that encourages us to dream and soar to greater heights in life. It also provides the child with experience by introducing the youngster to the outside world, where his devoted parents and teachers assist him in envisioning his goals and laying the foundation for achieving his ambitions.


Let me walk you through a personality, who inspired millions by pursuing his passion and is known as the greatest animator of all time Walt Disney. He started drawing his first animation at age of 4 and knew from the very beginning what to achieve in his life. Disney had a great ability to tackle the obstacles and that ability came from the courage provided by the classroom and education. He was a newspaper cartoonist and also made cartoons against Germans (during World War I) in his school life.


From the above lines, we can visualize that dreams and classrooms have a profound connection which guide our interpretation as well as influence our decision-making ability.  However, to turn our aspirations into reality, one needs dedication and encouragement, both of which come from the classrooms.


Classroom instills an unrivaled sense of confidence and perseverance in a child, adding wings to the dreams as well as channelizing the potential. This period of life teaches a child to never give up in life. Pursuing our dreams is what makes our heart truly prosperous and delighted. Without dreams children will be lost and aimless, they give a purpose to live. They push us to make the future better than the present.


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