Detailed fee slips will be issued to all students on the first day of the Quarter/Month as the case may be. Parents also have the option of paying the full academic year’s fee in one instalment.
• Parent must make appropriate arrangement for the remittance of the prescribed and published school fees within due dates without waiting for a reminder from the School. Only online payment option is available through ERP vide Debit Card/ Credit Card / Net banking / UPI. In special case parent can deposit Demand Draft or Cheque. NEFT / CASH Transactions are not permissible. To avoid convenience fee, you may use UPI payment mode for payment of school fees.
• Late payment of fee will incur a fine of Rs. 25/– per day and there will be no exemptions.
• In case of any cheque is dishonoured, the fee will thereafter be accepted along with a fine of Rs. 250/– . In addition, a late-fee fine of Rs. 25/– per day will be charged from the due date to the date of receipt of the demand draft.
• Incomplete payment of fee will be treated as non-payment of fee and will be subject to a late-fee fine.
• If the quarterly fee is not deposited within 30 days of the due date, and the monthly fee within 10 days of the due date, the child’s name will be struck off the rolls. Parents will then have to apply for Re-admission in the prescribed form available with the Admission Department along with a payment of Rs. 3500/- as re-admission charges. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation of Admission and withholding of results.
• There will be no carry-forward of accounts – all dues/adjustments are to be cleared within the academic year.
• The exact amount as reflected in the fee bill must be paid by the parents.
• Late fee, if any, will be included in the next fee bill.