The Power of Keeping Calm in Parenting

Parenting is, no doubt, a rewarding journey, but it doesn’t discount the challenges associated with this demanding role. Whether you’re a proud parent of a toddler or a teenager, it is common to experience unpleasant scenarios that can make you lose your temper. From kid’s sudden anger outbursts in public places to never-ending tantrums for not getting what they want – there can be endless reasons for their aggressive behaviors and actions. At Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, recognized as one of the best schools in Gurgaon, we believe such experiences are typical.

As kids grow and try to understand their place in society or gain a better understanding of themselves, they may react in undesirable ways. But there is an effective way to handle such situations gracefully and effortlessly. Instead of reacting impulsively to their words or actions, parents must focus on remaining calm so they can handle the situation maturely and in a composed manner. The concept of keeping calm in parenting is not new but not many have been able to understand the true essence of the concept.

If you’re wondering how remaining calm in turbulent situations can lead to better outcomes, read the points shared below. They will help you understand the precise impact of ‘calmness’ on the parenting journey and whether embracing this approach is worth the effort. So read along.

  • Emotional well-being for all

We’ve all heard to respond calmly during pressing situations, but does it work? The answer is YES! While maintaining calm won’t magically stop your kids from reacting a certain way, it definitely helps prevent the situation from escalating further.

To that end, there’s an interesting fact about kids – they continually pick cues from their parents. So when they notice their parents remaining calm during challenging situations, they feel a sense of security and emotional regulation within themselves. As a result, their violent behavior starts reducing, and they start internalizing the same composure and calmness that their parents exude. A clinical study conducted by the University of California confirms this.

  • Communication becomes crystal clear

Trying to communicate with a yelling child is impossible because the loud shouting will prevent both parties from hearing what the other one is saying. In such cases, the only solution is to calm down. Once parents become calm during outbursts, the children can vent all their pent-up emotions and frustrations. Parents must maintain their composure and listen attentively to what their child is saying.

It will give them a sneak peek of what’s going on inside them, helping them better understand their kids’ perspectives. They can take notes of those points and communicate once the children have cooled down and are ready to hold a conversation. Simply being calm in difficult situations can give parents a treasure trove of information about their kids while opening doors for better and more personalized communication built on respect and trust.

  • Role modeling emotional intelligence

We at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok believe one of the biggest benefits of embracing calmness in the parenting approach is that it can help parents teach their kids the fundamentals of emotional regulation with minimal effort. If you read the book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham, a renowned clinical psychologist, you will understand how kids will do everything they see their parents do.

So, if they watch their parents yelling or making self-disparaging remarks about their body, they’ll do the same. Similarly, if parents start displaying calmness and composure during fights or stressful events, kids will model the same behavior. It is the most effective way to teach your kids how to identify their emotions, manage them, and navigate the situation instead of resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

  • Building trust and cooperation

Would you ever confide in someone who always yells at you and refuses to understand your side of the story? Well, most won’t. Children also follow this approach and prefer to turn to a person who displays composure and lends a helping hand when they need it the most. When parents shift their approach from knee-jerk reactions to thoughtful and calm responses, kids begin to trust their parents.

The mere act of remaining calm can create a safe space for your kids, making them feel comfortable and secure to freely express their needs, challenges, viewpoints, feelings, etc. It will foster a greater parent-child bond built on mutual respect, collaboration, and joy.


Some things are easier said than done, and maintaining calmness throughout the parenting journey is one such task. When you’re met with a constant barrage of insulting words or excessively aggressive behavior, it is easy to lose control and react in the same manner. However, with dedication and patience, you can definitely achieve the goal.

Today, through this blog post, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the best schools in Gurgaon, would like to encourage all the parents reading this blog post to view this process as a journey, not a destination. Remaining calm doesn’t translate to not correcting your child’s wrongful actions, but it aims to temporarily push parents to hold composure to avoid the situation from getting out of hand. Maintaining calmness can save your parent-child relationship from turning sour while helping you course-correct your child.

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