Spark Your Child’s Imagination Skills Through Everyday Activities

Spark Your Child’s Imagination Skills Through Everyday Activities

Ever noticed your little one having non-stop conversations with his best friend on a toy phone or found your angel teaching English to her dolls? Though all this seems nothing more than playful activities of kids, it is actually the power of imagination driving such creative play.

Yes, such is the power of imagination that makes children envision a building in their blocks, a huge sea on the bedsheet, a dragon in a cushion, and much more. And no denying, it is this imagination that helps fuel innovative thinking in them. It has been seen that kids who have healthy imagination during childhood grow up to be creative problem-solvers and successful in life.

So today, we, at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, positioned among the Best Schools in Gurgaon, would like to share with you a few easy and creative ways to spark your child’s imagination through daily activities in the most natural way. Read on.


Reading fuels curiosity

Many know that reading books helps to enhance language and vocabulary skills in children. But another major benefit of reading is that it helps fuel imagination in young minds. Research has revealed that reading a book to a child for at least half an hour every day can work wonders in building their creative abilities and imaginative skills. Picture books are particularly useful in this regard.


Playing fosters creativity

Playful activities, especially the creative ones, are a great way to spur your child’s imagination. So, engage your kids in some creative games that put their brains to thinking. For instance, you can ask them to recognize the animals through the sounds they make, or you can show them a box full of some colorful things and then ask them to write the names of the things of some particular color in a minute.


Exploring the unexplored

Consider taking your kids out for a break once a month. And no, by going out, we don’t mean taking them to shopping malls or movie theatres. Instead, take them for activities like hiking or trekking. Let them explore nature in the most real form. There are chances that they will get to see many new species of birds, hear never-heard-before sounds of insects, and find many new varieties of plants and different types of leaves. All this will make the kids understand that there is much more to explore than what they already know or have already seen, and this will work as a great fuel for their creative minds.


Encourage storytelling

Children are the most natural and inborn storytellers. They can go on and on with their stories for hours and hours altogether, with lots of made-up scenarios that don’t even seem to stand true to adult ears. But do you know it is this storytelling ability that lays the cornerstone for the development of their imaginative skills? Thus we, at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the best schools in Gurgaon, would like to advise you to never stop them when they come to you, telling you a story about how they played at the park or what they saw in the dream last night. In fact, indulge in more of storytelling sessions with them. Don’t just be a listener, instead turn into an active storyteller yourself.

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” So true do these words ring! Things that were once nothing more than an imagination are now for real in front of our eyes. For instance, do you think anyone could have ever thought that robots would be a reality at some point in time? It was only in our imagination. But it is this very imagination that laid the path to turning robots into reality. So, try the ideas shared in this article above to help your kids recognize and unleash the power of their imagination. Who knows, you have a great innovator of coming times sitting right next to you!

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