Is Technology an Aid or Interference in Education?

Is Technology an Aid or Interference in Education?

We are changing the world with Technology – Bill Gates

Every tool, technique, and methodology come complete with a set of advantages and disadvantages. What we need to focus on is harnessing the benefits while keeping the limitations away. The same is true about the use of technology in the field of imparting education. Basically, it is not about how much technology is used in the curriculum but how effectively it is used. And this is exactly what we, at Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, being one of the top schools in Gurgaon, abide by.

We firmly believe that when the right technology is used in the right proportion at the right time and the right place, it will never interfere with the educational field. However, when it is exploited due to wrongful use or lack of overseeing by the authorities, the entire purpose of its inclusion in education is defeated.

So today, let us have a look at how the rightful use of technology can aid in boosting the overall framework of education impartation. Read on.


  • Easy Access to Information:

We, at DPS Sushant Lok, have seen that learning becomes monotonous and narrow when the educational horizon is limited to textbooks. However, technological introductions have paved the way for e-books and surfing across search engines. This has indeed opened doors to a pool of information, which helps teachers and students to enjoy the process of knowledge delivery and understanding.


Technology helps build every child’s interest in education. This leads to children connecting during and after school hours to discuss and brainstorm concepts. This, in turn, helps support collaborative learning. Children end up learning much more than what a textbook could have offered during these collaborative learning engagements. At DPS Sushant Lok, one of the top schools in Gurgaon, we encourage collaborative learning among our students so that they learn better, communicate better, and are better prepared to face the outside world.


  • Improved Technological Know-How:

For students to outperform during their educational days and also get ready to work in a modern office environment, technological know-how is a must. This is another area where integrating technology with education plays out to be immensely helpful. At DPS Sushant Lok, we make sure to familiarize our students with technological tools such as whiteboards, electronic calendars, web pages, etc., so that they remain updated with the emerging technologies in the education landscape. As they progress in their lives, knowledge about these tools will help them secure great job opportunities and eventually make a fulfilling career.


Concluding Words:

It is now time to answer the question – Is technology an aid or interference in education?

Without any second thought, we can conclude that technological introductions are a boon to the educational sector. In fact, technology has come over as a powerful aid for schools, teachers, and students in achieving their knowledge-based goals.

Without these upgrades in place, schools might find it challenging to develop wise and intelligent students who will become the leaders of tomorrow. Similarly, teachers will find it difficult to come on the same page as that of the children. Lastly, children will never be able to enjoy the process of learning.

However, caution needs to the exercised to avoid technology from hampering the peaceful learning culture of a school/classroom. At DPS Sushant Lok, positioned among the top schools in Gurgaon, this area is very well taken care of! A few basic steps in this regard include providing clear instructions on the use of technology to all, forming a student tech support group, and creating a support and redressal online community. We firmly believe that only when we make responsible use of technology ourselves, can we be in a good position to teach responsible tech usage to our youth.

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