Common Myths About Learning That Need to Be Busted Right Away

Learning is a lifelong journey that shapes our understanding of the world and our ability to adapt and thrive. However, despite the advancements in educational research, there are still lingering myths that have been perpetuated over the years. We at Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, one of the best CBSE schools in Gurgaon, believe it’s important to highlight and bust these learning myths to prevent students from experiencing any negative consequences.

If students and teachers view these myths as true, learners’ progress will be greatly hindered, and they will fail to reach/tap into their full potential. We believe it is high time that educational institutes address and debunk these myths, or they will continue misleading students and new educators. So today, through this blog post, we will be busting some of the common learning myths that we have seen to be predominantly present among general public.


Myth 1 – Intelligence is Fixed

One of the most damaging myths is the belief that intelligence is fixed. Some are made to believe that individuals possess a predetermined level of aptitude, which is totally untrue!

For instance, do you know Albert Einstein, a renowned physicist, was considered an average student during his schooling years? It’s his insatiable curiosity, dedication, and perseverance that led him to become one of the greatest scientific minds of all time. It highlights that intelligence is not a fixed trait but a malleable attribute that can be developed with effective learning strategies, practice, and effort.


Myth 2- Learning Styles Dictate Success

There’s another prevailing myth that has made people believe that individuals have distinct learning styles, like kinesthetic, auditory, or visual. This myth implies that learners can only succeed when information is presented in their preferred style. Although no extensive research proves this point, we have seen that there are many who still believe it.

Ideally, effective learning involves a combination of varied instructional strategies and sensory inputs. For example, while visual learners may benefit by learning from charts and diagrams, incorporating kinesthetic and auditory elements can enhance their understanding and retention of the taught topic.

This is why at our school, we employ diverse teaching methods that cater to different learning preferences and bring great learning outcomes.


Myth 3- Memorization Equals Learning

Yes, we know there are many educational institutes that still emphasize rote memorization as the primary measure of learning. However, real learning goes beyond mere memorization. While memorizing formulas and facts can be helpful in certain contexts, it often fails to foster deep understanding, critical thinking, and creativity.

For example, memorization techniques can be helpful while learning the dates for historical events. But it cannot help students analyze the causes behind those historical events, their consequences, and lessons. If students want to connect the past to the present, they must use their logical reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical skills – something that cannot be fostered by practicing mere memorization.


Myth 4- Learning Ends with Schooling

A widespread myth that most students are made to believe is that their learning journey will end once they complete their school or college education. This myth can severely limit an individual’s professional and personal development. Here, we at Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, would like to highlight that learning is a lifelong process that extends far beyond classrooms and diplomas.

If you want to grow without feeling burnt out or unsatisfied, accept that learning is a lifelong pursuit that should be embraced in every stage of life. Learning can come in various forms, like attending workshops, reading books, taking online courses, or seeking mentorship opportunities. When this myth is dispelled, students find it easier to embrace a growth mindset while fostering creativity and a hunger for constant improvement.


Myth 5- Mistakes are Failures

The fear of making mistakes can significantly hinder the learning process, as students may start viewing committing mistakes as incompetence and an act of failure. In reality, mistakes are an essential part of learning and overall growth. Mistakes, when viewed and analyzed properly, can provide a person with valuable insights that are crucial for self-reflection, correction, and growth/improvement.

Take scientific experiments, for example. Countless innovations and breakthroughs have been achieved after numerous trials and errors. Embracing mistakes as a stepping stone to success can help you nurture resilience, problem-solving skills, and a growth mindset. All these attributes are important and needed in individuals willing to explore and experiment fearlessly.



As learners and educators, it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge and debunk myths associated with learning. By debunking these myths, we can collectively create an environment that nurtures growth, innovation, and an undying love for learning.

We at Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, positioned among the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, would like to encourage everyone reading this blog post to discard the notion of fixed intelligence and embrace diversifying learning styles. We would also like to make the students understand why they must prioritize understanding over memorization.

It is a matter of pride for us that our students have learned to view mistakes as learning experiences and recognize that learning is a lifelong journey they should be prepared for. Thus, if you too want to do your bit towards empowering future generations, you should actively bust learning myths that constantly pull people back from achieving their full potential. Once all learning myths are debunked, people can embark on a learning journey that knows no bounds.

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