The Connection between Junk Food & Academic Performance

A recent finding by Acta Scientific Nutritional Health concluded that 75.6% of students reported consuming fast food at least 1 or 2 times a week. The primary reasons for fast food consumption were found to be eating in the company of others (58.3%) and the appeal of the taste (55%). These are alarming numbers in itself. We all know the many disadvantages junk food tags along, but before we move to that, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, would like to explore the root cause of the problem, i.e., “Why children consume junk?”

Broadly, children consume junk food because it tastes yummy, involves convenience, and, of course, has massive marketing spends. At times, parent’s busy lifestyles, a need to make easy meal choices, and the bright packaging and ads are what attract kids. Peer pressure and limited understanding of nutrition also contribute to children’s preference for unhealthy snacks over healthier options, all of which collectively need attention and correction.

Does Junk Food Have an Impact on Children’s Academic Performance?

The answer is a BIG YES; junk food does have a negative impact on student’s academic performance. Let us not forget that diets high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed ingredients lead to poor concentration, fatigue, and decreased cognitive function, which, in other words, hints at poor academic performance.

A study published in The Journal of School Health found that students who consumed more junk food had lower test scores, particularly in math and reading. The lack of essential nutrients in junk food is said to be the real culprit, as it affects brain function and energy levels, making it harder for students to focus and retain information.

Over time, regular consumption of junk food proves dangerous by introducing long-term academic difficulties and overall poorer school performance. Hence, we at the Delhi Public School Sushant Lok make it a point to conduct workshops and seminars, which introduce students to subjects like health and nutrition, ultimately educating them to stay away from bad food choices, like junk food.

The Negative Effects of Junk Food on Kids

  • One of the primary issues with junk food is that it is responsible for reduced concentration. High sugar content in junk food leads to energy spikes followed by crashes, making it difficult for children to maintain focus during class/learning. For instance, a child who consumes sugary snacks or drinks during lunch hour may initially feel energetic but will likely experience a rapid decline in energy later, leading to distraction and inattention, which will hinder the child’s ability to absorb and retain information, otherwise crucial for academic success.

  • Memory impairment is another concern as junk foods form part of diets low in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and vitamins B and D. Absence or insufficiency of these nutrients can severely affect memory retention and learning abilities of kids. That’s primarily because a diet lacking such essential nutrients hinders the brain’s ability to create and retrieve memories, which makes retention difficult and eventually impacts academic success.

  • Hyperactivity is another issue closely tied to junk food consumption. Foods loaded with sugar lead to students becoming hyperactive, disrupting classroom behaviour and affecting their ability to focus. Hyperactivity, in turn, impacts not only the student’s learning but also the learning environment for others.

  • Poor emotional health is also linked to junk food. Studies have shown that diets high in unhealthy fats and sugars lead to mood swings, anxiety, and stress, all of which join hands to negatively affect children’s academic performance.

  • Additionally, junk food weakens the immune system, making children more susceptible to illness. Frequent sickness leads to absenteeism, which further hampers academic progress as the learning curve gets disturbed.
  • Obesity, often linked to unhealthy eating, further adds up to affect physical activity levels, confidence, and overall school engagement. Obese students are less likely to participate in physical education or extracurricular activities, which are again important for academic and social development.

The aforementioned points are just some of the effects of junk food on children’s health. The intention here is to show how bad the otherwise delicious-looking junk food is for the health and well-being of our children. As such, it is only wise to put a bar on the consumption of these food items and focus more on giving healthful, nutritious food to kids. We at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok had recognized the lows of junk food early on, which is why we do not leave a single opportunity to educate and spread awareness among our students and their parents about the negative effects of junk food.

What Action Are We Taking?

While spreading awareness is key here, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, being one of most trusted and best school in Gurgaon, are also trying to collaborate with parents to combat junk food consumption among children by promoting healthier alternatives. This joint effort rides on educating students on nutrition, offering appealing, nutritious meals in-house, and organizing workshops on healthy eating. The wholesome meal we provide to our students is vetted by nutritionists and are planned to ensure a balanced diet for children.

We are grateful to all the parents for supporting this initiative by reinforcing healthy eating habits at home and ensuring that lunchboxes come filled with wholesome options. Together, this partnership aims to create a lasting impact, nurturing healthier lifestyles for children and improving their overall well-being and academic performance. It’s JUNK vs US in the interest of our students.

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