A book is the device to ignite Imagination, a dream that we can hold in our hands, a conversation to ourselves.

As part of our drive to maintain, promote and engage students' interest in reading, the school celebrated the global WORLD BOOK Day on Tuesday, 23rd April. On this special day, a series of engaging activities were organised to recognize the scope of books –a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures.

Resource Person, Ms Shweta Gupta, an educator and a Language & Communications coach conducted a storytelling session for the students of classes II - IV.

A Book Mark making activity was conducted in class III. Students designed bookmarks using different decorative materials and were encouraged to write quotes or messages on it.

 Students of classes IV & V designed book covers of their favourite books and intricately detailed them with designs using vibrant colours.

During their library periods, students from classes II to VI were engaged in different activities:

  • Categorize the book names from the given list under Fiction or Non-Fiction.
  • Book Buffet Activity.
  • Library Scavenger Hunt. Can you find –? (Find the book from the given clues).
  • Students had to write two rules which each child should obey when they come to the library.
  • Write a letter to your favorite author.

It was a day filled with fun and learning.