Why Is It Important to Introduce Children to Cultural Diversity?

Every single day that we are alive, we take part in what great thinkers have termed the “human experience.” Honestly, every human is different; and the culture they have grown up in has a huge impact on the thoughts, core belief patterns, attitudes, and dreams that they entertain. 

As parents, isn’t it one of your biggest ambitions to see your children at a level of emotional security? Don’t you wish to see them freely mixing and learning from friends and acquaintances around the world while being able to maintain the internal stability of their own decisions and lifestyle? Educating your children about cultural sensitivity can help them appreciate the diversity that exists in almost every sector of life – professional, cultural, and even personal. 

In fact, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Delhi NCR, firmly believe that educating children about cultural diversity is an essential aspect of foundational education. Today, in this article, let’s discuss the topic in detail.


  • Evokes in kids the appreciation and fascination for cultural differences

Cultural differences do exist, whether or not we like to accept them. When children become aware of cultural diversity, they come face to face with the opportunity of appreciating the norms and values of cultures other than their own. 

By appreciating and acknowledging socio-cultural variations, children open up doors to greater artistic and emotional understanding. At the same time, they learn to accept differences in opinion and find beauty in the lives of people unlike themselves. 

Appreciation for other cultures can make your child a better artist, a more enthusiastic learner, and a cheerful, positive individual in general.


  • Induces independent thinking and critical appraisal

Children who are exposed to different cultures at a young age are less likely to follow the directions of any society blindly. Rather, they are built to critically appraise the situation. This helps them become confident, brave, and self-reliant. They are able to learn from different cultures and pave the way for their own culture to reach similar milestones. Cultural diversity and assimilation teach young children to stand up for themselves and other disadvantaged communities. What else could be more joyful to a parent than seeing their child find purpose and meaning in life?


  • Enables global learning in the absence of stereotypes

Children learn to imitate what they see happening around them. When your child comes across someone who is prejudiced against a certain community, your child might internalize such a prejudice. On the other hand, if your child is exposed to the good and bad nature of all cultures, they will realize for themselves that stereotypes are nothing more than biased, faulty judgments. 

Global learning leads to global assimilation so that your children can effortlessly take part in an international lifestyle when they grow up. They will be able to develop a sense of respect, empathy, and boundless fraternity for all of humankind. 

Such qualities will not only help them develop positive connections with other people but also with their own self. 


DPS Sushant Lok Proudly Celebrates Cultural Diversity Among Students

We at DPS Sushant Lok, positioned among the best schools in Gurgaon, understand that inculcating interculturalism is an active process that needs the enthusiastic participation of teachers as well as parents. At our school, we dream of making our budding geniuses a part of the modern, global community that is already breaking down the walls of cultural differences. 

We work hard to help children develop social awareness and an independent mindset. We believe that to celebrate cultural diversity, we first need to celebrate cultures among ourselves. Thus, we at DPS Sushant Lok organize several events and activities for children of all age groups where they can learn about the different languages, art forms, festivals, and traditional dresses of India. 

Recently, our students and teachers came together to celebrate the end of the winter solstice by learning about its impact on festivals, i.e., Lohri in Punjab, Bihu in Assam, Pongal in Tamil Nadu, and Christmas in many parts of the world. Several competitions and functions were held where children learned not only about diversity in theory but also shared stories with friends about their different cultural backgrounds.

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