Why is Handwriting an Essential Skill and How to Improve It?

Why is Handwriting an Essential Skill and How to Improve It?

The world around us has surely changed a lot. Technology has seeped into each and every sphere of life. As such, holding the hands of technology to advance with time is quite logical. But does embracing the technological advancements for our work and studies really mean that focusing on handwriting has become a thing of the past? No, not at all!

At Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, ranked among the Top 10 Schools in Gurgaon, we believe that handwriting is as important today as it has always been and will continue to hold the same value forever. That’s because writing is not merely about scribbling a few words with a pen or pencil on paper. It is much more than that.

Studies have shown how writing is related to brain activity and helps improve motor as well as cognitive skills in children. Therefore, we at DPS Sushant Lok, always encourage our students to keep working at improving their handwriting. And on that note, let us have a look today at why we believe handwriting is indeed an essential skill and how you can help your children polish the same through some easy yet effective ways.

Good handwriting is an art that must be mastered

When a person writes, it is not just the use of a pen and pencil on paper, but it is a process that involves harmonization between the mind and motor actions of the hand. The brain devises a thought, and it directs the hands and fingers to procreate these thoughts in the form of words or sentences. In fact, some people also say that if a child has good handwriting skills, he/she is more likely to have a better thought process. This not only reflects in the academic progress of children but also comes to their aid in day-to-day life.

Tips to help children improve their handwriting

Improving your child’s handwriting is not a difficult task. It just needs time and practice. And to that end, we have a few tips here to help you ensure that your child’s handwriting improves with time.

  • Choose the right kind of stationery

It is important that you buy the right kind of stationery for improving your kid’s handwriting. Before acquiring any type of writing materials, keep in mind that anything which comforts someone else may not comfort your child. Every child has a different style of writing, and therefore you should bring the correct writing material that suits your kid’s style and efforts.

  • Pay attention to the posture

Posture has a major impact on writing. However, it has been seen that kids don’t generally understand the importance of writing posture and end up developing their very own ways of doing the same. While some prefer to write by bending a lot over the book, some do it while lying down on the tummy. And though all this may seem to be nothing else but just childhood mischiefs, writing in such a manner may also turn into a habit and ruin their handwriting. Hence, make sure that you not only tell them the significance of maintaining the right posture while writing but also see to it that they stick to the same.

  • Make sure your child is practicing enough

Practice makes a man perfect. The more your child practices, the better he/she gets. Hence, ask the child to write at least one paragraph of anything they like each day. Alternatively, you can buy them some handwriting books that will further help them practice and work on their handwriting on a regular basis.

Closing thoughts

Technological literacy is surely important in the current times. But that in no way means we must move away from pen and paper literacy. At DPS Sushant Lok, one of the top 10 schools in Gurgaon, we strongly believe that in order to truly understand the world, it is essential that our children grow literate in every way possible. As such, just as much emphasis should be placed on their handwriting skills as on their technical know-how. And the work in that direction should ideally begin as early as possible. Hence, don’t wait for your child to reach a certain age to start teaching the nuances of good handwriting. Start early and witness the beauty in your little one’s handwritten pieces yourself!

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