Why Are Teenagers So Moody?

The teenage! A wonderful time for children to see the world in a new light, experience the unknown, and get a taste of who they’ll become as adults. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when they’re always brooding. However, it’s natural because there are many scientific reasons behind it. You see, the human brain and body undergo drastic changes in the teenage years. In fact, these changes are so drastic and come into effect so quickly that it acts like a shock to their system. As loving and responsible parents, you must respect this as these are the formative years for your kids. However, we, the Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the top 10 schools in Gurgaon sector 27, firmly believe that it is always wise to have a deeper understanding of what exactly your child undergoes during his/her teenage years. So, let’s dive in without any further ado!


The List Is Diverse

The list of reasons why teenagers rebel is varied and complex. But some of the main reasons are as follows:


  • It’s a Developmental Phase: As mentioned earlier, the human brain and body undergo drastic changes in the teenage years. One such part is the brain’s pre-frontal cortex, which dictates decision-making, social behavior, personality, and expression. People start using this part of their brains during their teen years, leading to arguing, criticizing, testing boundaries, and ultimately understanding. As responsible parents, you must let your kids make mistakes so that they get to understand the concept of suffering consequences. However, don’t let them commit mistakes that may be too drastic, as they may have serious repercussions and be hard to get over. For example, making mistakes in homework is okay but experiencing vices isn’t.


  • They Feel “Choked”: This is by far the most common feeling they experience. It’s okay to be protective, but being overprotective is unhealthy. Please don’t be so! We understand that they’re “your babies,” but you must let them experience the real world during their teenage years. Once again, you must let them make mistakes and allow them to rectify them on their own. This will make them better people and make better decisions they don’t regret. If they are independent and make wrong decisions early, they may fall behind initially, but not for long. They’ll become decisive and correct in their approach, which will catapult them to success.


  • They Get Too Much Freedom (At Times): While freedom is essential, discipline is necessary. Too much freedom allows teenagers to run rampant. They don’t develop impulse control which is essential for growth. They also feel unwanted because you aren’t paying enough attention to them. This makes them feel detached and, understandably, moody. They may also develop bad habits which contribute to bad behavior.


  • You Mustn’t Nag: You need to realize nagging never works! If you continually say, “Do this!” and “Do that!” they won’t listen to you. Striking them to comply also doesn’t work. In fact, that’s a crime. So, what would you do? You have to be a little diplomatic here and patiently tell them why you need them to do a task. We at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, ranked among the top 10 schools in Gurgaon, also understand that being polite doesn’t work at times, but more often than not, it does. You see, your children love you, and they will respect you if you show them the proper respect. However, if they don’t, you must take action by disciplining them, which is half coercive but definitely not harsh. Grounding them or stopping their allowance for a period is a good option.


You’re The Adult Here!

Remember, you’re the adult, and everything is in your hands, so you must raise your kids in a way that’ll ensure their good future. Having said that, we understand that when it comes to your kids, you know them better than we ever will. However, we are sure you won’t mind extra parenting advice. After all, we, too, want the best for your children. Hopefully, you’ve found this article from us, Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, to be helpful. See you in the next post!

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