What is Positive Attention & How does it Help Frame Good Behaviour in Children?

Having a positive, healthy relationship with your kids is significant for more reasons than one, and enforcing discipline is certainly foremost among such reasons. However, it isn’t always easy for the parents to keep their calm when children are misbehaving, and as a result, they sometimes end up pointing out the mistakes of the kids a little too harshly. Now, think of the scenario like this: would an employee be more motivated by a boss who is feared or the one who is respected? The fact that you will choose the latter over the former outlines the importance of positive attention for children.

What exactly is positive attention?

Positive attention refers to the way in which you show warmth and delight at your children’s achievements, activities, and interests. The idea behind this parenting concept is that your attention is such a powerful thing that any behavior that you pay attention to will increase. As such, when kids get daily, regular doses of positive, healthy attention, their attention-seeking behavior gets reduced. They will be less likely to throw tantrums, whine, or raise a storm over the slightest incidences.

However, positive attention is not about looking the other way when the kids are misbehaving. It is rather about making those warnings and counsels more noteworthy. In order to further clarify this fact, we, at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, have brought forth for you in this article today some crucial insights on how positive attention helps in framing good behavior in children.

The role of positive attention in bringing about good behavior in kids

At DPS Sushant Lok, one among the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, we believe that the efficacy of positive attention on improving children’s behavior can be perceived from multiple viewpoints. Here’s discussing some of the most viable points in this regard:

  • A way to make the time-outs more effective

The behavioral benefit of positive attention comes from the fact that it ensures a lens shift where kids are praised and encouraged so much for good behavior than their mischiefs that the tantrums come under control. The idea is simple: kids tend to respond much better to time-out when they get regular time in with you. Children who are used to kind and motivating words would not want to be ignored by getting time-outs for wrong behavior.

  • The desire to earn the approval of their role models

There’s no denying that from a very young age, children start looking up to their parents for approval for any act they engage in, even the seemingly minor ones. When they are constantly meted with praises and admirations for every good action of theirs, they naturally want to earn more of your applauses and compliments. This, thereby, helps to take them farther away from any kind of problematic behavior. After all, you will always be the first and foremost role model for your kids, and your attention is what they always look up to.

  • Being descriptive in praises helps learn about good behavior

We, at DPS Sushant Lok, one among the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, have noticed that a crucial part of positive attention is being descriptive in the way you praise your children. It’s a simple shift from just saying “good job” to resorting to “you’ve worked so hard to get this result. Good job!” Being specific in your praise helps children understand the kind of behavior they should showcase more often. We term such encouragements as labeled praises for the children.

  • The method to prevent attention-seeking behavior

One of the most challenging parts of childhood behavioral modification is controlling the attention-seeking behavior of kids. However, when children receive enough positive attention and motivation for their good behavior, they no longer feel the need to throw tantrums to get your eyes on them.

We, at DPS Sushant Lok, positioned among the Top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, have always been major promoters of positive attention because it not only helps in creating a stronger bond with children but also aids in bringing about a considerable improvement in their behavior. When you have a positive relationship with your children and put in consistent efforts to keep nurturing the same, it turns immensely helpful for the young psyche. It helps them a lot in coping up with the modern stress factors coming from social media and rising competitiveness in every field. Thus, you will not only have a well-behaved child but also a more resilient and spirited one who remains happy and motivated, no matter what the condition is.

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