-Ms. Mamta Bagga
“Starting now and lasting forever, your health and healthcare will be determined, to a remarkable and somewhat disquieting degree, by how well the technology works.”
– Robert Watcher
The healthcare industry today is different than it was a decade ago because of the advancement in technology and various innovative digital solutions being introduced every day. In medicine and healthcare, digital technologies are transforming unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones, reconciling the relationship between healthcare professionals and patients, making them faster and more effective against diseases. Arthur C. Clarke, a prolific futurist and science fiction author famously said that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” In this present era, technology enables better and more accessible treatments for various diseases, more efficient patient care, and better healthcare.
Technology’s charisma could be traced back to when doctors started talking about the artificial or mechanical heart in the 1930s. It would not be wrong to call an artificial heart, ‘a human-made heart’ designed to replace a damaged heart temporarily or permanently. William Johan Kolff, the father of the development of artificial organs, successfully transplanted a heart with William De Vries and Robert Jarvik in 1982. In the present context, transplantation is not restricted to the heart only; rather technology has made the process easy for other organ transplants also.
The impact of technology in the medical field is remarkable as it enables it to make discoveries related to symptoms, data collection, research, treatment, and cure. Technology has made the medical field very accessible to people, with the help of technology, medical and healthcare professionals are improving the process of treatment tremendously.
We can create an entirely new species hand in hand with technology!

Designation- TGT
Department of Science