Teaching the Power of Apology to Children


“One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned – never underestimate the power of an apology.” – Christena Stephens


We are very much certain that all of you want your kids to grow into well-behaved individuals. And for that, you must be definitely teaching them the power of good manners as well. However, having said that, how many of you have considered teaching your kids the power of apology? Yes, you read that right!


According to research, children as young as four years understand the importance of saying sorry to somebody they have wronged. But they often fail to do so because they don’t know how to put across their apology in the right way. This inability to properly express their apology ends up getting them the labels of being insolent, rude, or irresponsible.


We, at DPS Sushant Lok, one of the top schools in Gurgaon, have seen that people quite commonly assume that kids will eventually learn to apologize and forgive others on their own. However, it doesn’t always happen like that! After all, not all children are the same. Each one of them is special and unique in their own way. As such, leaving such a crucial thing to have them learn on their own isn’t right! We believe that just like teaching them the other important things in life, it is equally essential to teach them the importance of apologizing for their mistakes in the right words and at the right time. Likewise, it is also necessary to make them understand that an apology by no means can pull down their stature and rather makes them appear more responsible.


So today, in this article below, we, at DPS Sushant Lok, would like to share with you a few important pointers in this regard that we believe are very much important when it comes to teaching children the power of apology. Read on.


  • Lead by example:

The most effective method of teaching your children to apologize is to implement the rule yourself. When you have wronged somebody, be it your partner, colleague, or helper at home, don’t hesitate to say sorry immediately. This works like a charm, especially when the kids are around. When they notice their elders saying sorry, they learn to do the same. They will understand that instead of getting angry and giving excuses like, “I have had a long day,” or “I’m not well,” a simple sorry can end things in the right way.


  • Start early & infuse genuineness:

When you teach your children the importance of an apology from an early age, they are more likely to implement it faster and better. As a great scholar once said, “A sincerely offered apology includes the acceptance of responsibility and the willingness to work towards making amends.”

Thus, emphasize the need to not just say sorry superficially or for the sake of saying it, but instead, internally feel the same.


  • Punishment is never a solution:

Children these days are smart yet sensitive. Therefore, it is best to avoid punishing them because it may not work as planned. It might only fuel the situation badly, making the child even more upset. Thus, every time the child makes a mistake, instead of punishing or scolding the kid, try and make him/her realize what was wrong with his/her action, how he/she should have behaved instead, and how apologizing for the mistake would help him/her appear more responsible and empathetic. After all, such an understanding cannot be forced on children. And as such, making them understand the power of apology is the only way to make them realize the mistakes while instilling in them the want to rectify the wrongs.


An Apology – A Solution to all Disagreements

At DPS Sushant Lok, positioned among the top schools in Gurgaon, we firmly believe that an apology is a powerful means to help heal wounds and change things instantly. Moreover, a simple apology can help one get out of trouble, clear the air, and gives rise to the possibility for a new beginning. It lays the groundwork for building a harmonious and peaceful environment.


When we teach kids the right way to apologize for their mistakes, we basically give them the power to sow the seeds of love and peace, and this not just helps them grow into better humans but also brilliant minds. So make it a point and do teach your little ones the ‘when’ and ‘how’ of apologizing without fail!

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