Strategies for Encouraging Cooperation Among Kids

Picture this: you’ve just arrived at the playground with your child, eager for them to get some fresh air and a fun-filled playtime with other kids. But as soon as they start interacting with the other children, you notice a problem. They have straight away refused to share their toys and are unwilling to take turns on the swings. Instead of being happy, you find your little ones grumpy and even more frustrated. They’re playing too aggressively, are least interested in making friends, and the other kids are really getting upset about it. Sounds familiar? What do you do in such situations? Let us guess – You take your kids and prefer to leave the place.

We know you feel leaving the scene to be the wisest decision in such scenarios. Happens! We understand it must be so frustrating and disheartening to see your children struggling with cooperation. However, please keep in mind – Cooperation is a skill that can be learned and practiced, and as such, not providing your kids with the opportunities to learn the same is just so unfair to them.

In this blog post today, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, a renowned CBSE school in Gurgaon, will share with you the most effective strategies for encouraging cooperation among kids. It will help you develop this crucial skill in your children and make them enjoy more positive social interactions.


  • Model cooperative behavior

We all know by now that children learn a lot by observing the people around them. This especially holds true for parents. Being their immediate adults and someone they can look up to for anything, parents play a crucial role in modeling cooperative behavior. So, make sure whenever you are around your children, you have to demonstrate respect, active listening, teamwork, and problem-solving skills through your conduct with others. Also, praise and acknowledge cooperative behavior when you find your children displaying the same. Use it as an opportunity to reinforce the importance of working together.


  • Foster a sense of belonging

We at DPS Sushant Lok have seen and observed that children are more likely to cooperate when they feel included and valued in a group. Parents can also likewise encourage a sense of belonging in their kids by creating a positive and supportive environment that fosters collaboration. Provide opportunities for kids to get to know each other, celebrate their differences, and work towards common goals.


  • Provide clear expectations and guidelines

Children need structure and consistency to feel safe and comfortable in a group. Thus, make sure that you clearly communicate your expectations and guidelines for behavior to your kids. For instance, taking turns, listening respectfully, and using kind words while communicating with others. Unless and until kids know what is expected out of them, how can they walk on those lines?


  • Encourage communication

Communication is key to cooperation, and children need to learn how to express themselves effectively and respectfully. Encourage open and honest communication among kids by providing opportunities for them to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Let them know about active listening skills, such as eye contact and paraphrasing, and model constructive feedback and conflict resolution.


  • Emphasize teamwork

Working as a team requires cooperation, and emphasizing teamwork can help kids see the value of cooperating with others. So, instead of handing over that mobile phone to your child to spend hours and hours altogether in front of the screen, encourage your kid to indulge in some team games with the kids in the nearby park or maybe in your society. Provide opportunities for your kids to work together towards a common goal with their friends, such as a class project or a community service activity. Let them celebrate the successes and achievements of the group rather than individual accomplishments.


  • Encourage problem-solving

We understand cooperation is not always easy, and children may encounter challenges when working with others. However, encourage problem-solving by providing opportunities for kids to brainstorm solutions to problems or conflicts that arise. Teach them to negotiate, compromise, and find common ground rather than resorting to aggression or avoidance.



At DPS Sushant Lok, one of the best CBSE school in Gurgaon, we firmly believe that cooperation is a valuable social skill that can benefit children throughout their lives. Having said that, we also understand that instilling this social skill in kids is a tough task. It requires patience and consistency to instill the skill in children. As a parent, you have to make sure that you model cooperative behavior around your kids, provide them with clear guidelines and expectations, emphasize teamwork, and make sure your kids indulge in activities that need them to put forth their cooperative selves. Remember, it might take time and practice to develop cooperative behavior, but with the right steps and strategies in hand, you can successfully encourage cooperative behavior among your kids.

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