Practical Tips for Coping with Exam Day Jitters

Exams are the perfect way to gauge a learner’s knowledge level, but they are also the most dreaded. Reasons we all know! Even the mere announcement of exam dates makes many children anxious, and it reflects in their behaviors and actions, too. While not every child experiences the same effects, many report of racing hearts, sweaty palms, constant fear of performing poorly, and uneasiness that affects their overall well-being. Such a scenario often calls for an intervention by parents or other adults who can help kids understand the situation and be at ease. However, it is sad to see that many children show up with jitters on the exam day and as a result not just fail to perform well in the exams but also remain miles away from realizing their true potential.

This scenario may look chaotic to many, but trust us, there is a way out. We at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, a well-known CBSE school in Gurgaon, always encourage our students to incorporate practical tips that can transform even the biggest exam-day jitters into manageable challenges. Besides eating healthy, sleeping well, and preparing strategically, there are certain tips designed to offer optimal leverage. Start implementing the following tips if you’re ready to tackle any nervousness, fear, and doubts associated with exam day jitters.

  • Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

We believe it is the most potent strategy because it redirects students’ attention from the desired result to the immediate steps that require their attention. When the focus shifts from outcome to process, students begin to break down the exam into smaller, more manageable sections with a heightened sense of control and mastery. As a result, they give their best with a higher chance of scoring excellent marks.

Students can implement this strategy by establishing a step-by-step approach to tackle upcoming exams. The focus must rely entirely on creating realistic time management goals and celebrating small victories during exams. This process-oriented approach not only helps to improve the exam performance, but also aid students in eliminating exam-related stress and worry forever.

  • Schedule Adequate Breaks in Between Study Sessions

If you think spending more hours studying is the best way to handle exam jitters and score well, this point will make you pause and rethink. While studying long hours can help cover a vast syllabus, it does not necessarily translate to better information absorption, understanding, and retention. It is why we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok advocate embracing productive study hours, not just exhaustively long hours.

A well-structured study routine can help children prevent burnout and maintain optimal cognitive functions. Hence, always include specific intervals for timely rest while designing a study routine. These breaks are necessary to accelerate the ability to absorb and retain information while eliminating the feeling of information overload. This mental reset empowers children to return to their study schedule with renewed focus and energy. As a result, children not only get to study without stress but also score exceptionally well in examinations.

  • Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

A less talked-about yet one of the most powerful tips to overcome exam jitters is practicing progressive muscle relaxation. It is a psychological technique designed to promote physical and mental relaxation. It requires individuals to systematically tense and then release each muscle group, from toe to head, to alleviate psychological manifestations of stress like increased heart rate, muscle tension, etc.

Incorporating this technique into a daily routine can boost children’s self-awareness and become their personal tool for aiding immediate stress release. It contributes to a more composed and calm demeanor during stressful situations, fostering a heightened sense of control over mind, body, and emotions. Practicing it for even a few minutes daily can help children manage stress effectively, paving the way for improved exam performance.

  • Prioritize Morning Mind Dump Sessions

Last on our list is mind dumping sessions. We at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok believe it is the best strategic approach to manage exam-related or any other stress because of its effectiveness. When children start their day by jotting down anxious thoughts or concerns on paper, they externalize their worry and free their minds from mental clutter. It creates a focused mind ready for the day ahead.

Morning mind dumping sessions prevent stress accumulation, allowing children to approach their study routine for maximum success calmly. This process doesn’t demand much time but is highly effective in acknowledging and eliminating stressors. We, being one of the most highly trusted CBSE school in Gurgaon, would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to incorporate this activity into their daily morning routine for accelerated emotional well-being.


Exam jitters are common, but they shouldn’t take over children’s preparation and performance phases. If you’re experiencing extreme stress, fears, and anxiety for the approaching exams, start by acknowledging the stressors and take steps to overcome negative feelings. While no ‘one’ tip will work equally well for every child, there are plenty of practical tips designed for optimal effectiveness. To make things easier, we have handpicked four of the best tips in this blog post that can help children fight exam jitters and become victorious. You can start by implementing one or more tips and stick to the ones that bring real value.

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