Parenting Do’s & Don’ts to Keep in Mind When Kids Start Throwing Tantrums

Parenting Do’s & Don’ts to Keep in Mind When Kids Start Throwing Tantrums

Let’s start this blog with a hypothetical situation. Your kid and you are attending your niece’s birthday party. After a long time, you are out of your house and finally get a chance to catch your breath. And like magic, your kid is not clinging to you but playing with her cousins. Everything is picture-perfect until it’s not! Right when you thought you survived the evening without any scene, the birthday girl decides to open her presents. Like a snipper’s aim, it triggers your child, and she throws a full-blown temper tantrum right in the middle of the party. The reason – why she does not have as many presents!

Temper tantrums are one of those few things about parenting that freak out every parent. We have all been there, some more than others, and many are still trying to cope. So, how to survive a child’s tantrum phase is one topic that parents worldwide lose their sleep over!

So, if you are waiting to see the end at the light of the tunnel and if your kid’s tantrums are making it difficult to see the light, we, at Delhi Public School, Sushant Lok, one of the leading CBSE schools in Gurgaon, have something interesting for you here. We would like to share with you today some excellent to-do’s (and not-to-do’s) to help you survive your kids’ tantrums. Read on.


Handling the Tantrums – The Do’s

  • Keep Your Calm

We understand it is easier said than done, but every time you lose your patience and calm, you teach your child a negative way of handling a difficult situation. But, if you are relaxed, your child will copy this behavior and eventually get over tantrums. Make sure to use your most soothing voice to reason with the child instead of lashing out at them.

  • Use Distraction Tools

Young kids are like the proverbial goldfish with a very short attention span. Use this to your advantage and shift their focus to something else away from the object causing the tantrum.

  • Follow a Strict Routine

More often than not, children throw tantrums when they are hungry or sleepy. Following a strict food and sleep timetable (and keeping healthy munchies at hand) can help avoid tantrums.

  • Set Behavioural Expectations

Children don’t always know what you expect of them, especially in public places. So, regularly talk to your child about good behavior and reward them when they do something appropriately.


Handling a Tantrum – The Don’ts

  • Don’t Bribe or Give in

Again, easier said than done, but every time you strike a deal with your kid (“don’t throw the crayons and I’ll get you a cookie”), you are essentially showing them that they can get away with specific behavior and even get rewards. So, hold your fort and don’t give in.

  • Don’t Throw a Big-Person Tantrum

You’d be surprised to know how many adults start behaving like children trying to tackle their tantrums! So, keep your calm and reason with your kids. Avoid lashing out or showing your frustration.

  • Prioritize Your Child, Not What Others are Thinking

While no one wants to face critical remarks or stares from strangers, it is not more important than the well-being of your kid. So, make that your priority and work on creating a well-behaved child.


Summing Up

It takes a village to raise a child. But in today’s fast-paced world and nuclear family setups, forget a village; getting even one extra help seems like a challenge! Juggling between work and raising the kids, life for 21st-century parents goes by in front of their eyes while they are busy consoling their kid’s tantrums. But we, at DPS Sushant Lok, ranked among the best CBSE schools in Gurgaon, firmly believe that the situation can surely be improved, and the key lies in how well you manage your kids. It is all about how you react and respond in those times of tantrums. And here’s hoping that the tips shared in this article today will help you get better at handling tantrums in the right way.

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