Some Fun Facts About the Science of Robotics for Our Young Budding Geniuses

Some Fun Facts About the Science of Robotics for Our Young Budding Geniuses

Robotics is an interdisciplinary field of mechanical and electrical engineering that deals with the construction, design, application, and operation of robots. This happens to be the branch of technology that is registering the most rapid and relentless form of growth in recent years. The self-sufficient machines we know as robots are gradually making their strides […]

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The Illustrious Management Committee at DPS Sushant Lok: Leading the School to Greater Glory

The education imparted at any school has three chief facets: The first is the institute itself, and the second and third are the students and parents, respectively. And the management committee, with its policies, initiatives, and ideas, acts as the much-needed bridge between these three facets – binding them and guiding them all the way. […]

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