Letting Children Express Their Emotions is Vital for Their Mental Health

How many of you believe that childhood is a far easier phase than adulthood? Well, while that’s true to a significant extent, the fact is that even kids have their own share of stress and tension. Many believe that kids have little to no reason to feel stressed, anxious, or angry, but the reality is quite the opposite. The rising competition, growing academic pressure, comparison with other kids, and many other reasons end up putting a toll on kids’ mental health that gets unnoticed by many.

However, the good part is that nowadays, people are becoming more receptive to openly discussing mental health, and thus, we at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, believe it is the correct time to talk about its importance in children’s life.

As parents, it is crucial for you to understand that children, too, can experience various negative emotions for different reasons. Letting children freely express their feelings is crucial as it helps them maintain good emotional as well as mental health. If you don’t let them freely express their emotions, negative feelings will begin to pent up inside the child, leading to the development of negative physical and psychological problems.


How Expressing Emotions Improves a Child’s Mental Health?

Allowing children to express their emotions freely is vital for their mental health. When children express emotions, they release tension, stress, etc., that would have otherwise built up inside the kid’s mind, leading to disastrous outcomes. At Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, we believe children should be allowed to freely share their emotions so they can develop mental agility over time. Expressing emotions also leads to the following benefits:

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Emotional expression has always been an excellent tool for managing anxiety and stress. Bottled-up emotions create internal pressure that leads to negative consequences. However, it can be prevented by letting children share their feelings at the right time. When there is nothing to hold back, a person naturally experiences lower stress and anxiety levels.

Lowering stress and anxiety also helps children remain more focused and calm, helping them progress in their personal and professional journeys. Expressing emotions can also help build emotional resilience to anxiety and stress, making them easy to manage.


  • Alleviates Symptoms of Depression

We can’t deny the fact that cases of depression among children have been on the rise worldwide. Early childhood depression can develop for many reasons, and it requires immediate attention from parents. Many medical professionals believe letting children express their emotions can act as one of the most effective therapies.

When children communicate their feelings, they gain a better understanding of their emotions. They also understand the impact these feelings or emotions have on their lives. Lack of emotional expression can make a person prone to depression; hence, we recommend encouraging every child to express their emotions freely. Create an environment where your children feel safe and don’t hesitate to share their feelings.


  • Enhances Emotional Resilience

For the uninitiated, emotional resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from any given challenging situation. Developing emotional resilience also requires plenty of mental strength. By allowing children to express emotions, you help create an internal strength in them. It mentally prepares them to face any challenging situation in life. Health experts believe emotional resilience is a vital aspect of mental health, and it can be enhanced by using emotional expression to one’s advantage.


  • Increases Consciousness of Own Thoughts

The easiest way to make children aware of their own thoughts and feelings is by encouraging them to share their emotions. Being conscious of one’s thoughts makes it easier to understand oneself better, leading to increased self-esteem and confidence. When children start understanding their feelings, they learn to identify what triggers their negative emotions and devise effective ways to deal with the same. It enables them to take better control of their life and improve their overall mental health.




Suppressing emotions by not expressing them at the right time leads to a harmful build-up which leads to irritability. This irritation can become a part of the child’s personality and escalate to serious anger issues and frustration. But if you teach your children not to lock their emotions, they can prevent such situations from developing. The entire staff at the Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the best CBSE schools in Gurgaon, understands the importance of emotional expression and its effect on one’s mental health. This is why we have made it a point to ensure that children get a supportive environment at our school where they can freely express their feelings and grow in the right direction. We urge the parents also to strive to do the same at home.

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