Be Wise in Picking Your Battles with your Kids: Here’s Why!

Have you ever asked your children to stop doing something, only to find out they aren’t listening to you? If you have, don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. However, what you need to keep in mind in such situations is that you don’t always have to react when you find your kids giving a deaf ear to you. After all, you can’t keep on arguing with your kids on every single thing. You must realize that these tiny tyrants know precisely how to push you off your patience limits, leaving you feeling exhausted and irritated. But reacting harshly or getting into an argument with your children is definitely not the solution!


So, how do you ensure your child respects and listens to you? The answer lies in clever parenting. As a parent, you must know when to stand your ground and when to let the situation pass without any reaction from you. Wondering why is that important? In this article today, we, at Delhi Public School Sushant Lok, one of the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, will shed light on why you must be wise when picking battles with your kids and much more. Read on.


Ways to Avoid Power Struggles with your Children

Power struggles between parents and their children are commonplace. If you see, it’s a natural aspect of parenting. A wise parent is the one who understands this and knows when exactly they should get involved and when to back off. The key strategy is creating a positive aura around you rather than a negative one. Remember, if they respect you, positive results will follow. Sharing below a few tips in this direction:


  • Expect non-compliance when tired: You can expect non-compliance when they return from school, sports activities, etc. Avoid giving them instructions during this period as they’ll naturally feel irritable. After all, don’t you feel like taking a break when you return home from work, grocery shopping, etc.?
  • Maintain clarity about expectations and rules, but be polite: Children don’t like being told what to do all the time. In fact, nobody would like that! Thus, whenever you are conveying something to your kids, make sure you are not impolite to them, or else they would as if you are ordering them. Yes, we understand you’re their parents and expect them to listen to you. However, to achieve this, instead of being harsh or loud, politely ask them to do their tasks. Maintain a tone of respect so that they don’t feel like they’re being talked down.


  • Explain to them the difference between wants and needs: A child’s demands are endless. However, they may not realize that you can’t fulfill them every time. Thus, you must explain to them why it isn’t possible in a respectful manner. Explain to them the difference between wants and needs. The idea is to let them learn the value of things in life. This way, they would learn to be thankful for whatever they have and won’t grow into spoiled kids.


  • Avoid harsh punishments: Many people often associate discipline with punishment. However, instead of punishing them in the name of discipline, it would help if you teach them the difference between right and wrong, and the correlation between cause and effect. If they do something that justifies taking drastic steps, you could take away certain privileges, like canceling their allowance, but avoid hitting them or verbally abusing them.


Standing Your Ground is Also Essential

Although you must avoid power struggles with your kids, you need to be firm and strict at times as well. For example, if they hit people, show disrespect towards elders, engage in bullying, or any other wrong practices, it becomes important for you to take your stand as a parent. However, even in such circumstances, try and find a middle ground by being firm yet not harsh.


We, at DPS Sushant Lok, recognized among the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, would like to advise you not to rely on old-school parenting skills, where hitting children was the norm to ensure obedience. It never worked and caused children to resent their parents. Nothing’s sadder than that. Instead, try and understand the fact that you are modern-world parents. Hence, make use of technological resources and your own experiences to make the right decisions. You can also seek help from professionals who are excellent at their job to get your kids on the right path. Only when you, the parents, choose the right route to teaching discipline to your kids, will the kids be able to walk on the right trail of life.

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