5 Strategies to Calm Down a Worried Child

Children are generally carefree and easygoing by nature. But as they grow up, they start getting their share of worries. Be it the societal pressure or their expectations of self; they do develop a lot of reasons to feel worried about. This often gives rise to rumination, where they start focusing more on the negative aspects of life and fail to realize and get hold of the positivity around them.

Therefore, it is always advised to never leave kids in their own worrisome world and instead talk to them and help them nip the worries right in the bud. So, on that note, we, at DPS Sushant Lok, ranked among the Best CBSE Schools in Gurgaon, would like to share with you today five vital tips that will help you calm down your worried child and help him/her embrace a positive way of leading life.

  • Help them broaden their vision

Ever spent sleepless nights in bed worrying about something? If yes, you will know how it feels! Even the minutest problems seem to be much bigger than they actually are. That’s because an anxious and stressed mind loses its ability to think about the bigger picture. This is where your role as their parents comes into the scenario. Help them relook at the entire thing all over again with a broader purview. This will help them shed off unnecessary stress and fill them up with new vigor to work around the problems even more efficiently.

  • Distract their worried mind

There are times when the best way to manage the worries is by ignoring them for a while. Probably, this is why distraction is always considered great to help cheer up a worried mind. Try and involve them in other things like playing their favorite game, listening to some good music, and going out for a peaceful walk.

  • Set up a ‘worry talking’ time

Sounds weird? Maybe, but this actually works! Set up a 15-minutes to half an hour time each day where you can let your kids pour their heart out to you and talk about all the worries that are concerning them. This will help them ease a lot of burden off their young and tender minds. But make sure that the ‘worry talking’ sessions do not go on for the entire day. That’s because the kids need to learn that while it is essential to talk about worries, they cannot sit thinking about it all day long. It is equally important to curb them up and divert the mind to other things.

  • Physical exercises help relax a stressed mind

Let your kids jump and move to shed off the stress. Yes, that’s right! Physical activities like gymnastics, yoga, aerobics, etc., are not only good for physical health but also aid in the release of endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones.

  • Share your own experiences

Talking to your kids about your own worries and how you work out to manage them can teach them a lot more than getting their worries in control. It shows them that everyone has their own stress and tensions, but one must not get carried away by the burden of worries and should rather lay efforts to get over the tensions and look at the positive things around them.

Summing up

Stress is something that is hard to be kept at bay. The definition of stress and worries can be different for different people, but there’s no denying the fact that it exists! Hence, trying to avoid the worries or running away from getting any kind of stress isn’t going to help. This is why we, at DPS Sushant Lok, one of the Best CBSE Schools in Gurgaon, firmly believe that what’s important is to teach the kids to fight off their worries and get over them. Once they learn this art, you will no longer have to worry about their mental well-being.

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